F1 - Estado de saúde de Maria de Villota melhora após nova cirurgia

A Marussia divulgou mais um comunicado sobre o estado de saúde de Maria de Villota, no final desta sexta-feira. Segundo o documento, a pilota passou por mais uma cirurgia nesta sexta, já prevista anteriormente, para estabilizar as lesões no crânio. A equipe médica considerou este procedimento um sucesso.

A boa notícia é que a espanhola vem respondendo bem às cirurgias e ao tratamento recebido no Hospital Addenbrooke. Essa reação de Maria fez com que os médicos mudassem sua condição de "crítica porém estável" para "grave porém estável". No jargão médico, essa é uma mudança positiva, pois mostra evolução do quadro clínico, além de indicar que ele permanece estável, ou seja, sem variações menores.

Veja o comunicado da Marussia, na íntegra e em bom inglês (Em caso de preguiça ou desconhecimento da língua de Shakespeare, use um bom tradutor online!):

"Earlier today, Maria underwent further surgery at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge. This was a planned procedure that would depend upon the continued stability of Maria’s head injuries, and this morning the medical team were sufficiently happy with her progress to allow the operation to go ahead.

The surgeons successfully completed the next phase of surgery required to address Maria’s facial injuries. After the lengthy initial procedure, which commenced on Tuesday and concluded on Wednesday, today’s secondary operation took significantly less time.

Since the operation today, Maria’s condition in relation to the head trauma she received has further improved, to the extent that she is now "serious but stable".

Whilst Maria remains acutely ill, this confirms that she has been responding well to the treatment she has received since her accident. Coupled with the significant progress that has been made with regard to her facial injuries, we feel sufficiently comfortable to proceed with a further update.

On a more personal note, we have taken a great deal of encouragement from today’s developments and the rather more positive signs for Maria’s family."
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